
Thank you for your interest in volunteering your time at Joseph House Food Bank. We have opportunities available for individuals, churches, and business organizations to serve. Providing food to the multitudes doesn’t only include distributing but also preparing. We have times available to pass out food and we also have times available to package and prepare food for distribution. If you are not a member of our church but would like more information on how to get involved, please fill out and the form below and let us know a little about you or your organization. After the form is submitted someone will contact you about the opportunities we have for you to come and join us. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
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If you support what we do and would like to donate into our ministry you can do so here online or by mail. Those that make the commitment to faithfully contribute allow us to supply more food and reach more people. We are truly thankful for every person that is able to sew seed into this ministry and we pray that God will honor your contribution and continue to bless and multiply every area of your life.

Service Times

Sunday 10:30am & 6:00pm

Wednesday 7:00pm

(918) 210-6104