Abundant Rain Ministries, Inc. not for profit was filed in Oklahoma City on March 2, 1998 by founders Ron and Terry Spradlin. In May of 1998, Pastor Ron Spradlin graduated from Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Upon completing bible school, in 1999 we started our first missions work by bringing in the new year with missions work in Russia and Mexico.
In the early years of ministry we traveled all across the United States holding tent revivals, preaching the gospel, while helping to build local churches. We went into towns bringing several groups such as, power teams, drama teams, worship teams, women's ministry, and kids fest ministry all while preaching every night in tent revivals. We traveled to the street people in Oklahoma City, Kiefer, Coweta, and churches in Tennessee and Kentucky. While traveling we continued to hold weekly prayer meetings that began in a small house kitchen in Tulsa, Oklahoma. During these prayer meetings our first group of covenant prayer partners was established. This group of people continued to pray and sew seed and our ministry began to take off.
In 2000 God planted a vision in Pastor Ron to start a church and build a foundation in Oklahoma. Pastor Ron gave the sacrificial offering of his box truck that contained the tent for tent revivals, chairs, and sound equipment to a young preacher to begin his ministry. God placed it on Pastor Ron’s heart to sew a seed into the man’s ministry so that God could set the grounds to begin our church congregation. It was during this time of sacrifice that we began to start hosting services around Tulsa and Broken Arrow.
Our church began by renting out library meeting rooms in Tulsa and Broken Arrow on Sunday mornings for church. Our church congregation including our covenant prayer partners took the journey with us to the different libraries around town until we landed at a temporary location at a VFW building in Broken Arrow, OK. There we were able to have routine services and our congregation began to grow. During this time we began to lay grounds for a praise team, youth group, and kids group. Our congregation met at the VFW building for several years until an opportunity became available to move our church to Coweta, OK.
In 2002 we began renting a church building off HWY 51 in Coweta. The building needed a lot of renovations. Our congregation came together and rebuilt molded walls, added rooms including sanctuary, stage, youth hall, fellowship hall, and children’s room. We also relayed flooring, added a front porch, and fencing outside. After months of work, our church was finally ready. We moved in and began holding multiple services weekly. The vision God gave Pastor Ron to build a foundation was starting to come to past and many of our current ministries were birthed during this time. Water’s Edge Youth group hosted weekly services and Saturday evening events. Our bus ministry began and Abundant Rain Kids had weekly services and kids were bused in by our bus ministry from all over the community. Our church members started bringing in canned foods for what we called Corn and Green Bean Sundays. On specific Sundays, Pastor Ron encouraged the people to bring canned corn and canned green beans and lay them at the altar for God to multiply to feed his people. Before long the altar was completely hidden by the amount of food that was brought in and those Corn and Green Bean Sundays quickly turned into Joseph House Food Bank. The food at the altar became a storage closet full of food, which became a room full of food, which became a small storage unit full of food, which became 2 large RV size storage units full of food! On the weekends our church would separate the food into bags and take the food out into Coweta and the surrounding communities and go door to door to see if people needed food and prayer. The need was so great that we began running multiple box truck to the surrounding communities to meet the needs of the people. Throughout this time our church went on missions trips all over the world establishing relationships in many countries and doing God’s work feeding people and reaching people through the Word of God. In the midst of all this God began dealing with Pastor Ron on moving into a new season and start building a church resource center where all people could come and have their needs met in one place. In order to do this we needed to move our church and food ministry to a rent free permanent establishment.
During this period Pastor Ron was driving down the road one day and felt an unction from the Holy Spirit to stop. Off the side of the road was a small dirt pull off that dropped off into a forest full of trees. Pastor Ron got out of the truck and walked over to the small dirt patch and saw a for sale sign buried under the tall grass. God spoke to Pastor Ron’s heart and said “This is where I want you to build my church.” Immediately Pastor Ron called the number on the sign and spoke to the realtor. The realtor was surprised that Pastor found the sign and stated that the property had been for sale for a long time and he had just assumed somebody took the sign long ago. Pastor Ron inquired about the property and learned that there was 5 acres on the front section by the road and 23 acres behind that went to the highway. Not having anywhere near that amount of money, Pastor Ron put his faith into action and told the realtor that he had heard from God and he would pay cash for the 5 acres in 30 days. Pastor Ron took his findings back to the church and told the congregation of the vision God had shown him. Our church came together through faith and within 30 days raised $53,000 from nothing and paid cash for the 5 acres. Later purchasing the additional 23 acres connected to it. We now had the location to start building a permanent church foundation.
In 2004 construction began on the new property which is now the current location of Abundant Rain World Outreach Church. Nearly all 28 acres was covered in trees and was cleared from the road to the highway. Once the land was prepared we setup a newly donated tent and began having week long tent revivals to honor God on his land during construction. God placed it on Pastor Ron’s heart for the first building on the property to be the warehouse to store the food for the people. Pastor Ron knew that if he first took care of God’s people that God would build the church. During this time Pastor Ron and our mission’s team also went to work sewing seed into our network church in Panama to build them a new church with food storage. Our mission’s team went down and helped fund and build the building and laid grounds to begin shipping food to the people of the San Blas Islands in Panama. Back at home, the Joseph House Food Bank was the first building built on the new property and the food ministry was moved out of storage units and into the new warehouse facility. After the food bank and the church in Panama was built, God brought in the resources to build the sanctuary, children’s building, the youth building, and office building. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not | Galatians 6:9 KJV
The Joseph House Food Bank quickly became too small for the amount of people God was allowing us to feed. Locally the trucks that ran to surrounding cities would run out of food trying to keep up with demand. In order to prevent people from standing in line at the food trucks and not being able to receive food, we now open the food bank on specific days of the week for people to come to our local food bank in Coweta. Internationally, God began opening opportunities for us to feed people all over the world. Because of this we were given an opportunity to expand our international feeding program to a bigger warehouse in Broken Arrow, OK. This allows us to keep our local food and international food separate. Pastor Ron came up with a package design that allows us to package dried food that can be shipped worldwide to feed people. Through this process and by networking with other ministries all around the world we are able to ship containers of food worldwide from our international warehouse in Broken Arrow. To date we have shipped 16,708,640 meals worldwide and fed 218,446 meals locally! That’s a long ways from Corn and Green Bean Sundays!
Over the years as our ministry grew we established our home church in Coweta, Oklahoma. We know that our story is one that could not be told without God’s faithfulness. We are truly thankful for the people and ministries that have made the commitment to network with us to reach people for Him. From here we will continue to minister to our local and international communities. Our story is not over! God has given us a new vision for this year and the years to come and we will continue to reach people for Him until Jesus comes back.